Proceedings of the EPBRS Irish meeting held in Dublin 15-17 May
Statements from EPBRS and the Irish presiddency on the future development of the science-policy interface on Biodiversity in Europe adopted at the EPBRS meeting in Dublin, held under the Irish Presidency of the EU.
Presentations Day 1 & Day 2
- The EU Biodiversity Strategy:status and implementation- Anne Teller - DG Environment
- Planning research to support the implementation of the EU biodiversity strategy priorities for Horizon 2020- Arnoldas Milukas - DG Research and Innovation.
- Potential priorities for biodiversity research. Adrian Peres- DG Research and Innovation and Eeva Furman- ALTER-Net
- A critical review of the assessment processes on the status of EU habitats and species. - Frank W. Larsen -EEA
- Towards a scientifically sound EU wide evaluation of the status of all species and habitats covered by EU nature legislation. - Maurice Hoffmann - Head of Department Natura 2000 monitoring, Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek, INBO.