EPBRS in a nutshell
Everything you wanted to know about the EPBRS can be found in 'EPBRS in a nutshell' (pdf)
EPBRS secretariat
EPBRS Secretariat
Belgian Biodiversity Platform
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Rue Vautier 29,
1000 Brussels, Belgium
Phone : +32 2 627 4319
Fax : +32 2 627 4113
Steering Committee
During an electronic procedure in December 2011, the EPBRS delegates partly renewed the Steering Committee.
The following persons are currently members of the Steering Committee:
Horst Korn (Chair), Louise Scally (Vice-chair), Carsten Neßhöver (Secretary)
The current SC will be maintained until the newly nominated delegates elect a new SC.
Secretariat EPBRS: Estelle Balian : (Belgian Biodiversity Platform)
EPBRS official delegates
EPBRS official country delegates are currently being nominated by the H2020 Programme Committee Members. Each Country should be represented by two delegates one from policy and one from Science.
Updated list of nominated EPBRS delegates July, 5, 2016
National Biodiversity Platforms
The effectiveness of the EPBRS increases when it can collaborate with national platforms whose aims are similar - to develop a national research strategy in biodiversity and to promote research that responds to policy requirements. Examples of national platforms:
BioStrat was a Specific Support Action (SSA) funded by the EU Sixth Framework Programme running from November 2006 to November 2010 and coordinated by the Institute of Ecology and Botany of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The project invoved 34 partners from 32 countries and aimed to further develop the EU Biodiversity Research Strategy making wise use of the existing structures. To achieve its objective, the project took over a part of the tasks addressed by Bioplatform, an FP5-funded project in the period 2002-2005: the financial and management charges associated with the organization of the biannual meetings of the European Platform for Biodiversity Research Strategy (EPBRS) and its publications; and the establishment and support of National Biodiversity Platforms. On the other hand, it carried out an intensive networking activity to harmonize the Strategy with other FP5 and FP6 projects and other international initiatives (such as BIOTA cluster, ERA-Nets, Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), DIVERSITAS, Global Biodiversity Information Facility /GBIF/, Global Taxonomy Initiative /GTI/, Millenium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA), Global Environment Observation System of Systems /GEOSS /, etc.). Further, a main duty of BioStrat was to promote the production of national reviews related to the topic of EPBRS meetings, in which National Biodiversity Platforms have a key role. These national reviews provided excellent opportunities to promote scientific and policy results in certain topics in the given country. Biostrat website.