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EKLIPSE/EPBRS/BiodivERsA joint foresight workshop “ Social Innovation and Nature-based solutions: What knowledge will be needed to face future societal challenges and emerging issues »
This event took place in Brussels, Belgium from 06-12-2016 to 07-12-2016
This event took place in Brussels, Belgium from 06-12-2016 to 07-12-2016
EPBRS meeting under Irish Presidency
This event took place in Dublin, Ireland from 15-05-2013 to 17-05-2013
This event took place in Dublin, Ireland from 15-05-2013 to 17-05-2013
Workshop on “Investing in Innovative Research for Nature and our livelihoods: Strengthening the research strategy to reinforce the ERA on Biodiversity”
This event took place in Brussels from 11-04-2013 to 12-04-2013
This event took place in Brussels from 11-04-2013 to 12-04-2013
EPBRS meeting under Danish Presidency "The Thematic Content of the First IPBES Work Programme"
This event took place in University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark from 16-01-2012 to 18-01-2012
This event took place in University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark from 16-01-2012 to 18-01-2012
EPBRS meeting under Hungarian Presidency "Research priorities to sustain ecosystem services"
This event took place in Stefánia palota (Budapest, 1143 Stefánia út 34-36.) from 26-04-2011 to 30-04-2011
This event took place in Stefánia palota (Budapest, 1143 Stefánia út 34-36.) from 26-04-2011 to 30-04-2011
EPBRS meeting under Belgian Presidency "Positive visions for Biodiversity"
This event took place in Brussels, Belgium from 16-11-2010 to 19-11-2010
This event took place in Brussels, Belgium from 16-11-2010 to 19-11-2010
Spanish EPBRS meeting on "Evolution and Biodiversity: The evolutionary basis of biodiversity and its potential for adaptation to global change"
This event took place in Mallorca, Spain from 13-04-2010 to 15-04-2010
This event took place in Mallorca, Spain from 13-04-2010 to 15-04-2010
Swedish EPBRS meeting on targets for biodiversity beyond 2010
This event took place in Visby, Sweden from 29-09-2009 to 01-10-2009
This event took place in Visby, Sweden from 29-09-2009 to 01-10-2009
Czech EPBRS Meeting "World Biodiversity and European Taxonomy - Strategies in Taxonomy: Research in a Changing World"
This event took place in Pruhonice near Prague, Czech Republic from 19-05-2009 to 22-05-2009
This event took place in Pruhonice near Prague, Czech Republic from 19-05-2009 to 22-05-2009
Workshop on a Network of Knowledge on Biodiversity: a contribution from Europe
This event took place in Brussels, Belgium on 06-05-2009
This event took place in Brussels, Belgium on 06-05-2009
French EPBRS meeting Paris on "Biodiversity and the Industry"
This event took place in Paris, France from 17-11-2008 to 21-11-2008
This event took place in Paris, France from 17-11-2008 to 21-11-2008
Biostrat workshop: "European contribution to GEO BON"
This event took place in Cegléd, Hungary from 25-09-2008 to 27-09-2008
This event took place in Cegléd, Hungary from 25-09-2008 to 27-09-2008
EPBRS workshop on a "Strategy document for European Biodiversity Research"
This event took place in London, Great Britain from 16-06-2008 to 17-06-2008
This event took place in London, Great Britain from 16-06-2008 to 17-06-2008
Portuguese EPBRS meeting Porto
This event took place in Porto, Portugal from 06-11-2007 to 09-11-2007
This event took place in Porto, Portugal from 06-11-2007 to 09-11-2007
German EPBRS meeting Leipzig
This event took place in Leipzig, Germany from 04-05-2007 to 07-05-2007
This event took place in Leipzig, Germany from 04-05-2007 to 07-05-2007