Recommendations from the EPBRS Irish meeting now available
Posted on Monday 17 June 2013 at 15:41
The EPBRS meeting held in Dublin on May 15-17, under the Irish Presidency of the EU, aimed to discuss and prioritise the research needs required to implement the EU Biodiversity Research Strategy in the context of Horizon 2020 and other supporting mechanisms.
The EPBRS meeting identified research priorities to support the implementation of the targets of the EU biodiversity strategy:
Part 1 focuses on research needed in support to its Target 1 the implementation of the Habitats Directive for safeguarding habitats and species of European relevance and a second part addressing
Part 2 considered all the EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy 6 targets using two perspectives: 1) overarching research recommendations within the context of Horizon 2020 and 2) the thematic approach towards the specific targets of the EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy.
The first approach was taken up by the EPBRS workshop in Brussels, April 2013 , the second approach was completed in this meeting for targets 2 to 5 building on the results of the Brussels workshop. In addition, the outcomes of the ALTER-Net conference, held in April 2013 in Ghent on the EU Biodiversity targets were also considered.
Statements from EPBRS and the Irish presiddency on the future development of the science-policy interface on Biodiversity in Europe adopted at the EPBRS meeting in Dublin, held under the Irish Presidency of the EU.